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JOURNALIZING Definition & Meaning

what is journalizing

Yarilet Perez is an experienced multimedia journalist and fact-checker with a Master of Science in Journalism. She has worked in multiple cities covering breaking news, politics, education, and more.

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  • A brief description known as narration is also written in this column below the credit part of the entry.
  • These should all be recorded in the appropriate accounts as journal entries.
  • So, to increase the bank account balance, we will debit it.

A journal is a detailed record of all the transactions done by a business. Each account that’s affected receives its own journal entry. Eventually, what is journalizing all these journalized transactions will be transferred to the general ledger. In this transaction, furniture is received and cash is paid.


He provides catering services worth $7,600 to a customer. Or crediting and a brief description of the transaction that occurred. And “post in the ledger” and all the rest of the detail of bookkeeping. AccountEdge Pro is a desktop application that also offers remote connectivity. AccountEdge Pro is a good fit for small and growing businesses that are looking for an accounting application that can grow along with them.

Journal Definition – Investopedia

Journal Definition.

Posted: Sun, 26 Mar 2017 06:10:00 GMT [source]

Reconciliation is an accounting process that compares two sets of records to check that figures are correct, and can be used for personal or business reconciliations. Let’s put it all together now with a step-by-step guide to journalizing transactions. Note that separate rules are used for debiting and crediting the accounts. Real account rule is used for making the debit entry and personal account rule for making credit entry. Debit what comes in, here cash comes in, hence cash a/c is debited.

Apply the fundamental accounting equation to the transaction

For example, if a business owner purchases $1,000 worth of inventorywith cash, the bookkeeper records two transactions in a journal entry. The cash account decreases by $1,000, and the inventory account, which is a current asset, increases by $1,000.

what is journalizing

In the very same example the modern rule applied will be for Asset accounts i.e. “Debit” the increase in assets and “Credit” the decrease in assets. The fourth column records the amount of the account which is credited. The third column records the amount of the account which is debited. The first column shows the date on which the transaction happened and the journal entry number. (in double-entry bookkeeping) to enter in a journal, preparatory to posting to the ledger.


For example, prior to issuing the company’s financial statements there will be an adjusting entry to record depreciation. This journal entry will debit Depreciation Expense and will credit Accumulated Depreciation. In manual accounting or bookkeeping systems, business transactions are first recorded in a journal…hence the term journal entry. Double-entry bookkeeping is the most common form of accounting.

By far, the best way to reduce the amount of journal entries you need to do while easily completing the ones necessary is by using accounting software. As a small business owner, one of the jobs you typically assume is that of a bookkeeper or accountant. For a better understanding of journalizing, consider the following examples of accounting transactions. According to double-entry bookkeeping, you are required to make an opposite entry in a different account for each journal entry you make in one account. Every credit to one account equals a debit to another, and vice versa. By recording double entries for each transaction, you can ensure that the equation is always in balance. The sum of your debits should always be equal to the sum of your credits.

Analyze transactions

It is a simple running total of cash inflows and cash outflows. When a transaction is recorded in a company’s journal, it’s usually recorded using a double-entry method, but can also be recorded using a single-entry method of bookkeeping. Credits are entries that decrease asset and expense accounts, but increase liability, equity, and revenue accounts. Debits are entries that increase asset and expense accounts, but decrease liability, equity, and revenue accounts. A journal may be defined as the book of original or prime entry containing a chronological record of the transactions from which posting is done to the ledger. The transactions are recorded first in the journal in the order in which they occur.

Accounts PayableAccounts payable is the amount due by a business to its suppliers or vendors for the purchase of products or services. It is categorized as current liabilities on the balance sheet and must be satisfied within an accounting period. Account ReceivableAccounts receivables is the money owed to a business by clients for which the business has given services or delivered a product but has not yet collected payment. They are categorized as current assets on the balance sheet as the payments expected within a year.

Single entry accounting is used for these very basic systems. Cash shows cash-only transactions and cash from accounts receivable. Although there are different methods, this surface introduction will introduce you to a few methods for journalizing transactions in accounting. Double-entry bookkeeping means that for every journal entry you make in an account, you must make an opposite entry in a different account. Every debit on one account is balanced by a credit to another account. The process of journalizing starts whenever a business transaction occurs. The journalizing process starts when a business transaction occurs.

Also, each entry has a transaction date, title and a description of the event. In accounting, double-entry bookkeeping entails entering the details of a business transaction to reflected the opposites entries of the transaction. All business transaction witness two forms of exchanges, this is the debit and credit. Double-entry bookkeeping means that the journal entry includes the two corresponding sides or accounts, the debt and the credit. For instance, if a business owner orders for inventory, the credit account of the company decreases while the debit increases.

Cost Accounting

QuickBooks Online offers features such as automatic bank feeds, which will greatly reduce the number of journal entries that need to be created. A memo field is also available for you to enter a description of the journal entry. A brief description of the transaction called the “narration” is written directly beneath the entry. The word “Dr.” is written at the right end of the same line of the account that is debited on the first line.

It directly affects the way journals are kept and how journal entries are recorded. Every business transaction is made up of an exchange between two accounts. A journal states the date of a transaction, which accounts were affected, and the amounts, usually in a double-entry bookkeeping method. You can use each of these specialty journals to journalize transactions related to each type of account. For example, the purchase journal would be used to record any credit purchases made, such as new office supplies and machinery. The cash payment journal would be used to record any cash transactions. An accountant is tasked with keeping a ledger of all business transactions, which proves crucial to protecting the business and clients.


The total of the debits must equal the total of the credits, or the journal entry is considered unbalanced. It must include the account name, the amount you’re crediting or debiting, a description of the transaction, and the date. The document you record each entry in is called the book of original entry, with the process of entering new entries called journalizing. There are several types of accounting transactions for business, but luckily for freelancers, there are a few main types of accounting transactions you’ll want to master. The accounting transactions outlined below are examples of transactions you’d record in your journal, in chronological order, as part of the journalizing process. To complete the process, you’ll want to record the business transaction as a journal entry in the correct journal.

what is journalizing

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